Radioprogram, Middle East and End Times, Th ...
Radioprogram, Middle East and End Times, The Harvest of God, 8.05.2017
Announcer 01: Dear listeners, Lahairoi Ministry starts a series called “The Wells of the Lord among the Nations”. Through this series, we want to remind you the promises and commandments of our Heavenly Father, and also to come to know and understand the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord together. During these programs, we will address the Bible prophecies and most importantly, we will speak about the great love and the salvation plan of the Lord Jesus Christ to mankind and the nations in particular. Yes, our Lord has a harvest among the nations!
Through this series, we want to shed light on our past, present and future, – where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going, to make this clear to Christians, as much as possible.
Announcer 02: Each Monday at 6p.m., we will speak about the region of the Middle East and reveal what the Bible says about these fatherless nations.
At the end of each program, we will give a Word of the Week – a word that will keep you in God’s will and take you from glory to glory. We are sure this will raise the quality of your life, will change your values, will bring about the reign of His Love for peace, joy and righteousness in your lives…
Announcer 01: First, why Lahairoi Ministry?
Lahairoi is the name of a well in the Bible, in Genesis 16. It was named by Hagar, the maid of Abraham’s wife Sarah. Even though she was a maid, she bore in her womb the seed of Abraham. Of course, it was not the seed God promised to Abraham and for which He made a covenant with him; however, because of the covenant with the Almighty, Abraham had promises from the Creator, the Father of all the promises.
In Genesis 15, the Lord told Abraham. “I am your Shield”, and invited him into a covenant, promising that his seed would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore.
But just a chapter later, in Genesis 16, we see Hagar fleeing from her mistress Sarah. The angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar and sent her back to her mistress, and told her that she would give birth to a son. He said that Hagar should name the child Ishmael, as GOD HEARD her affliction. Ishmael means GOD HEARS!
Yes, the angel of the Lord met Hagar who bore in her womb the child of Abraham, a covenant partner with God. Who does not know that the Lord watches His covenant and His promises to fulfill them? Didn’t God make a covenant with Abraham to be his Shield at all times?
How great are the heights and depths of the Lord! How faithfully He stands for His covenant partner! Abraham, who tried to bypass the divine will, had not heard from the Lord, “I have turned My face from you, because you hastened and haven’t sought Me in your actions”. Instead, God remained faithful to His part of the covenant… even though Abraham violated it, God did not violate His part. Even though Abraham infringed the covenant, the Lord stretched His eternal protection over everything that belonged to Abraham.
Yes, we see this Promise fulfilled even centuries ago. However, even though according to the promise, the seed of Abraham has become as numerous as the sand on the seashore long since, God’s covenant with Abraham has not ended on it. Whether we want it or not, the Eternal God has not ceased to be the God of each person of the seed of Abraham.
The angel who met Hagar in the desert spoke to her about distant future saying that Ishmael would be the father of wild and numerous peoples, and that his hand would be against everyone and the hands of everyone against him.
Don’t we see the prophetic words said by the angel fulfilled? Yes, they have come to pass, they are true today and will be true in future, even if we had centuries ahead… Yes, that word is coming true exactly the way it was told, so let us look at it with spiritual eyes. Conflicts and suffering in the land of Ishmael go on unabated, but a time is coming when mothers of many Ishmaels will stand and cry out because of their sufferings… and the Lord will answer because He is a loving Father and because of His promise. However, before this happens, the Lord will lead many Hagars to His life-giving wells…
Whether we want it or not, the plans of the Lord come to pass with surprising succession. After all, Abraham pleaded with the Lord in Genesis 17:18, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” God’s response to Abraham was, “And as for Ishmael, I have heard you… But My covenant I will establish with Isaac”.
Here is the root of the collision between their descendants… Today many want to solve the antagonism between the two brothers, but without result. This will be solved, when Hagar again cries out to the Living God of her vision, when, because of her sufferings, she again calls the name of Him Who gave her a son and told her about the future…
“And where are Christians in this story?”, many would ask. “What is our fault in all this? Why shall we, our children and our countries suffer because of this? Are we called to resolve conflicts, after all?”
Dear brothers and sisters, we have Jesus Christ Who intercedes for us. Didn’t He save us from hell one day, granting forgiveness and love? And His Spirit of Intercession dwells in us. Let us stand in the gap with our intercession!
As Christians, our calling is to lead the anguished, the mourners, the sick, and those who suffer to the Well of the living water, to the Spring of the living waters – to Calvary, to Jesus the Lord and Savior.
Let us stop focusing on ourselves and look at the Author of our faith. What would He do? He left the heaven and came to save us; He bore the chastisement of our peace upon Himself… He did not focus on heaven, but came to save you and me… so let us act as our Savior.
Until this moment, He has been our Intercessor before the Father’s throne. Let us bring our intercessory prayers for the nations before our Father, let us pray in the name of Jesus Christ for the demonic walls built for centuries to be torn down, for the closed eyes and ears to open up, for each soul to see and come to know the Father. Let us lead people to the wells, let us open wells among the nations! And when the Lord sees you doing this, His merciful Spirit will water your desert; your home and your descendants will always be remembered before Him for blessing.
Announcer 01: And now, dear listeners, brothers and sisters, we want to give insights into the role of the nations and countries, mentioned in Bible prophecies, in these last days.
The Lord gradually focuses our attention on a region about which there are so many prophecies in the Bible, many of which are still being fulfilled. This is the most strategic region in the Bible – the Middle East…
However, it seems the current conflicts and wars in the countries of the Middle East and emigration of Christians and Gentiles to Christian countries make the future even more uncertain.
One does not need much discernment to see how the Middle East is closing its doors for Christians.
However, if we read the Bible by the Spirit of God and with great attention, and then look at what is happening in the world, we will undoubtedly see that the prophecies of our Lord come to fulfillment with divine patience. Like a jigsaw puzzle parts slowly coming together, they gradually merge into an image that the Bible shows us from Genesis to Revelation.
If you are familiar with the prophecies in the Bible, you certainly know that the call to salvation to the whole world originated from the heart of the Middle East, as the Lord was willing that way.
The origin of humanity was here; the Bible was written here; and the place of fulfillment of the end-time Bible prophecies is again… here!
. In this region, mankind received the salvation plan.
. In this region, the Savior of the world, Christ our Peace was born.
. In this region is the cradle of the Early Church and the entire Christian civilization…
So do you think all is over for this region? Do you think nothing more has been allotted for this region? God forbid!
Because of the blessings we enjoy today, our salvation and the peace we have with our Father, we do have a work to do in the Middle East…
In the last days, our efforts will be directed to Israel and its surrounding nations, the nations that will have a significant part in the end times drama and for which the Lord has a word through His prophets…
Hell and the devil know very well that their end will come in this very region… Seeing Christians preparing the way for the Savior, Jesus Christ, the devil has put all his wisdom in action to surround the region of the Middle East with impenetrable walls.
It’s not that the countries of this region are located far from big Christian countries like America, Russia, any European or other Christian countries, but for our Lord, this territory is a strategic spot for salvation of humanity.
This is why hell is furious. It feels the smell of the last days… That is why wars in this territory become even more intense. The devil sees his end, so he resorts to hostilities to make large-scale slaughter of mankind. He is insatiable in destroying and displacing Christians…
It is as if he empties the region of Christians with a purpose to firmly establish his throne there. He tries to shut the door before Christ, although he realizes that it is of no use to stand against Christ, the King of kings.
Even while on the earth, Jesus Christ knew about our days and our times. With every year, every month, every week and every day passing, we see everywhere the necessity of obeying the commandment of JESUS CHRIST: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. And Paul admonishes us to “redeem the time…” Yes, let us start our work today, as tomorrow it can be too late.
Dear child of God, today is your day! Take upon yourself the noble title of being His follower and the calling of a disciple and an evangelist… and it doesn’t matter what your calling is with which you preach the Gospel and reach people with the Good News… Maybe you are a missionary, an evangelist, a teacher, a prophet or are otherwise involved in the work of spreading the Gospel. Maybe you are the one who supports the work of the Gospel. Our Lord said, “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward”. How just is our Lord! Dear Christian, who loves Christ, keep yourself involved in building His glorious way.
Do good to yourself… do not exclude yourself from the honor of being a disciple of His… take the Good News of Salvation to those who have never heard about our Lord. Be strongly engaged and be compassionate for the lost. Do you know how many people, who have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel, become the devil’s prey every day?
An Arab Pastor told this story:
“This happened in Aleppo, Syria. It was early Sunday morning, and that day some Muslims who heard the Gospel were to attend the Church to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior… However, during an air raid at dawn, bombs fell on their houses, and they never woke up to come to know the Father… the Adversary was at work…”
Today the devil launched his war machine in the Middle East to steal lives every minute and to fill the lake of fire and sulfur…
Look around! It is not difficult to notice the Muslim immigrants who left the Middle East… They are dispersed throughout the whole Christian world… Why, do you think, they have come so close to you? Will you start praying, that the fatherless peoples have a desire to seek the Father? Aren’t you the salt Christ spoke about that should cause thirst in them? Aren’t you the light Christ spoke about that should not be hidden under a basket? Today they have left their countries, that are under the cover of darkness, and have come so close to you…
Don’t Christians see that the devil is in haste to fill their minds with enthusiasm and their hands with wealth to build houses for a foreign god in your country?
The truth is, they ran from darkness and came to your light, but still having unenlightened minds, they build shrines for the god of darkness right by your side.
They build centers of study of the foreign god in your Christian environment to lead astray your people, your children, and your coming generations.
Will we pretend we do not notice it? Will we tolerate that sin? Can’t we see that it is the revenge of the devil from the country that sent so many missionaries with the Good News of Jesus Christ to the unreached regions in the last century? So what? Are we that weak that we cannot fight the war of the Spirit, take the wiles of the devil captive and to bring them into subjection to Christ?
This is the strategy of the devil to displace pagan nations of the Middle East and to disperse them throughout the Christian regions, in order to lead astray Christians as well, if possible… to steal souls for hell, to conquer regions and to multiply the power of darkness…
TODAY WE NEED TO FIGHT THIS STRATEGY OF THE DEVIL IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD… the Church has a war to wage, a spiritual war… Let us pray and ask that they feel the need to enlighten their darkened minds, that the blinded eyes open up and they find the FATHER! Let us fill the regions of darkness with the Gospel! Let us print literature in large quantity, send the life-giving Word to them and show them the true Father, the real Savior. Let us teach those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to pray, so that they too can stand in the gap for their countries…
We have to spread the Gospel in the Middle East! Let us sow the Gospel of Christ in the hearts of today’s new generation, so that tomorrow we can have comfort and not avengers…
We appeal to you not to close your eyes as if you do not notice them… these nations need the Gospel you have… In fact, you could not go to their countries to reach them with the Gospel, as that is a big problem for so many, but can you see them coming to you in millions? We cannot overlook the opportunity the LORD gives us!
Word of the Week
Announcer 02: The teaching on spiritual warfare has been neglected by the Church for a very long time. Having no knowledge on spiritual warfare caused great harm to so many believers. Believers experience many defeats, if they do not have true knowledge. But praise our Lord, today the victory of Jesus on the Cross gives opportunities to each believer to overcome, as written in Romans 8:37, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”.
As believers, we are placed in the position of overcomers, and we are required to live accordingly. We must have great victories. This is why the Bible speaks about two victories; one is already won as written in Colossians 2:15, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it”; and the other is yet to be won, as written in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. When believers refuse to be engaged in spiritual warfare, it means they have no clue on how to use spiritual weapons.
This Word of the Week is for those who are tired of defeats and want to live victoriously. If you want to experience victory, you must be ready to confront the devil at any cost, until you have a breakthrough, and he withdraws.
Throughout the Church history, believers knew that there is a war going on in the spiritual realm. In old Christian writings, we find the terms ‘militant Church’ and ‘triumphant Church’.
The Gospel is a spiritual weapon. Its origin, objectives, purpose and means are spiritual. The weapons of this warfare are not physical, but spiritual, as written in Second Corinthians 10:3-5, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. Other religions use different means to spread their influence. Islam, for example, wages a holy war, Jihad, against the infidels that is non-Muslims, forcing Islam with threats, violence and hatred. The Gospel is different. When Jesus came to this world to destroy the works of the devil, He did not come as an army commander; neither He had a weapon in His hand. God’s weapon for the lost ones is love.
God’s weapon is anointing, revelation and the power of the Holy Spirit.
God’s weapon is the death of Jesus on the Cross, His descending to hell and rising from the dead on the third day, His ascension to heaven and intercession for each believer who lives today.
God’s weapon is the authority that He gave to Jesus in heaven and on earth, as written in Matthew 28:18, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth’”.
God’s weapon is the coming of Jesus, that is at hand, and establishment of “the new heaven and the new earth”, when God will be “all in all”.
Today we are overcomers because of the victory Jesus won on the Cross. But this will be much more powerful in the eternity, when all the rulers and kingdoms will submit to God and the whole earth will be filled with His glory. And until this becomes a reality, until His coming, we have so many victories ahead!
Final Words
Dear friends, thank you for your time with our program. We will meet again next Monday, at 6 p.m.!